Monday, June 6, 2011

All that sass.

Tomorrow I start my new job, actually in less than 8 hours and the chances of me falling asleep soon are slim to none considering the level of anxiety I usually have when starting new things. On top of that I've been having some pretty strange and terrible dreams. So much so that I was told I sounded like a 'scared animal' whilst dreaming early Saturday morning. I don't recall at this point what they were about but I do remember a villain. I was probably fighting the ultimate battle of good versus evil.....or my subconscious is trying to tell me something. I hope for restful sleep at some point this week.
The last couple of days were spent completely enjoying being 'unemployed' (for like 6 days so I don't think that counts). Wednesday was my first day off and I spent it sleeping in and getting my apartment in some sort of working order considering cleaning has been significantly neglected over the past few weeks. I'm not a dirty person by any means but I was disorganized like woah. My closet looks like it exploded into my bedroom, bathroom and even part of my dining room. Suffice it to say I spent lots of time picking up and cursing myself for having so many clothes. After cleaning the next logical step was to go shopping (I need dressy summer clothes for the new job!) Luckily I didn't really find anything and I was annoyed that there is not really any good shopping within a 25 mile radius of my apartment. (Ahem....H & M I am still waiting for a store in Nashville....get on it!). Thursday I had a meeting for the new job where I had to get sworn into Americorps...a bit strange but hurrah for tradition. I then interviewed for a part time job and realized that I am in no qualified to work at a restaurant in the bible belt because a) I have no prior serving experience and b) I have gages and facial piercings.  UGH.  I understand looking presentable for a job (even a minimum wage job) but how I do my job is in no way effected by the size of the holes in my ears. If anything a 1/2" gage creates a larger surface area thus a bigger area with which to receive sound waves when the customer speaks. "What large ears you have" said the girl, "All the better to hear you with darling." Moral of the story, I'm good with people, I'm a hard worker, someone give me a job! 
Thursday I saw Kung Fu Panda 2 by way of an incentive for kids at the community center in Louisville. It was fun and was so cool to hang out with kids that aren't forced into participating in things, so they actually enjoyed it. One of the girls reminded me of myself when I was a teenager, sassy. I think no matter what I end up doing long term as far as work goes I still very much want to be involved with teens. That way I can still go see movies intended for children and not look like a weirdo old woman at the theaters. Friday I spent the day out and about in Louisville. I finally made it to the skatepark there, which is gigantic and pretty amazing. I'm not sure what it is about that park that makes me a lot more ballsy but I swear when I skate there my inhibitions are lowered. (When it comes to skating that is) There are always two settings that I have zero issues talking to strangers. Live music venues and skateparks. Everywhere else I am an awkward ass and have trouble conversing but those places I will reciprocate or even initiate conversation with strangers. It's weird. Friday I also got to catch up with a good friend over the phone. I miss that kid and it felt good to know that we're still important to each other regardless of distance or circumstances. It's weird how much things have changed and how fast time has went since last August for the both of us. It's nice to have someone in a similar position with changes and experiences. We talked about how it seems like everyone has paired off and begun mating and it's rare to have a friend that's single anymore. I know it's an age thing because thats just kind of the cycle of life but it feels good to know I'm not the only one weirded out by it all. 
Saturday I spent several hours outside sweating profusely in the sun and hanging out with a ton of kids at the community center festival. I wanted to help out and see how the center worked. Mostly I realized how ignorant I was/am to the refugee population not only in Louisville but Nashville. I can't imagine moving to a completely different country to start from scratch and not even have a real grasp on the primary language or knowledge of the politics and bureaucracy that surrounds integrating yourself into a population. The good thing was that the kids really seem to enjoy the adult attention and interactions and were not shy around me. I wanted to take some of them home with me they were so frickin cute. I resisted after contemplating the whole kidnapping thing as well as not even being able to keep plants alive. The world festival overall was a great experience and I'm glad I sacrificed my time and a sunburn to be a part of it. I'm really proud of the person that roped me into it. 
Needless to say today I was quite sore and tired from all of the sun and running around the previous day so it was wonderful to just relax and be lazy all day until my drive back to Nashville tonight. The drive gave me time to think about things and appreciate the things that I have right now. I may complain about money or jobs or the terrible drivers around here but all in all I'm happy and have been basically since making the decision to leave Michigan. I just didn't realize how happy I could get considering my circumstances. 
Have a wonderful week :)

1 comment:

  1. I know that it's been forever since we've talked... but I just thought that you should know that I've always thought of you as one of the most unique, kind hearted people that I've ever met. You're an awesome person that doesn't always give herself enough credit. I'm sorry that our lives kind of pulled us apart the last few years but I'll always think of you as my friend. Wishing you much love and contentment in life, and much luck with your new endevors!

