Sunday, January 30, 2011

Can't you hear me knocking?

You know that annoying tickle in your throat that you get when you are on the verge of a sinus cold? I ignored that all week thinking if I drank enough orange juice I'd be OK. Then after work on Friday it hit me like a ton of bricks. I slept 12 hours that night after lame-ing out on my friends after hanging out for two hours. The whole week was kind of a bust. I was tired everyday and did everything about half-hearted including running, but thats kind of how things have been lately. I coughed when I was grocery shopping and I swear I felt my eyes trying to escape their sockets due to the pressure.
However I will use my cold as an excuse for my sour mood.
Yesterday it was 60 degrees outside which warranted iced coffee and popcicles all day. Emotional eating and sore throats get along pretty well. They don't so much get along with my ass and gaining two pounds this week. Que sera sera.
This week involved skatepark, running, and making room in my closet for more clothes...oops. I found this little gem in Mt. Juliet at a goodwill. psyched.

Disregard the expression, I'm looking at the hem I'm going to need to fix, and the baby making hips.

On a totally unrelated note I hate doubt. I dont' even like the word or how it forcibly tumbles out of your mouth. It's just so awkward. And it rhymes with  other negative things like gout and trout, yes I said trout. It spreads like cancer cells once it's inside as does negativity and I struggle with both on a regular basis. It seems like no matter how much positive we'll call it radiation (just to fit the metaphor) I'm exposed to or force upon myself there's always one cell that stays behind just so it can replicate and spread again. What the hell causes that? My outlook? Because I dont' want to be negative or unhappy. Maybe it's laziness...who knows.'s a motherfucker.

Random observed oddity of the south; I went to a barbeque place down the road from my apartment with a friend. It was a hole in the wall and clearly family run. On the counter there was a plastic pink pig sitting in front of a dry erase board with a psalm written on made me giggle a little. Pulled pork sandwiches and Jesus go together like gangbusters.

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