Monday, September 10, 2012

I'll be your Emmylou

You ever have one of those days where everything you hear just riles you up? I got riled today on the drive to Lexington, while in Lexington and then on the way home. Different information I learned throughout the day either tested my patience with humanity or specific people in general. It wasn't really frustration just the thought of, 'I REALLY want to do something about that!' RawR social justice! And I waiver from having the thoughts of wanting to get the hell out of where I am because I'm certain that living in an area where I'm not inundated with Christianity would make me less frustrated. Or I just need to learn to be more accepting of the fact that religion is an area that makes me supremely uncomfortable and I need to be less of an asshole. There are worse things to get frustrated about I suppose.
The past week was good, I continue to get behind in my classes because I forget to read something or I forget that I even have these classes because I don't go anywhere for them. I'm finishing my assignments but I don't feel like I am 100% committed and there is this overachiever in one of the classes that I am convinced does nothing but sit in front of her computer day in an day out commenting on the discussion boards. It's annoying, I used to be that nerdy overachiever. My internship has been good though, I've got a lot to do and sometimes it's hard to stay focused because I'm expected to sit at a desk for 8 hours and read, research and write. I'm too fidgety to be at a desk for that long. I find myself getting out of my chair or readjusting every 15 minutes which makes me unproductive. On Friday I got thrown into facilitating a meeting with a bunch of program directors from youth programs around Louisville. That was intimidating and scary but I feel like once it got going it went smoothly. Today, as I said, I went to Lexington for an all day conference about preventing child abuse. They brought it speakers from Michigan to talk about child fatality, it was super interesting and nice to hear my native accent, and talk about MSU for a bit. 
Overall the week went pretty well. Friday and Saturday night were hangouts. Saturday I went a little overboard and was a useless mess until about I know why I'm behind in my reading, huh? 
I start my new job tomorrow, so we'll see how that goes. Today I got a call about another job, go figure. I hope I made the right decision. 
Today made me realize how much I miss Michigan and Fall and football and Biggbys and my Michigan friends and family. I'm jonesin to go visit as soon as possible. And my Nashville people and sister. And to Atlanta. Pretty much I need to feel a connection with those people I've been missing. 
Que Sera Sera. 

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