I think with my birthday coming up I have become a bit 'age obsessed' as of late. Last night a kid guessed my age correctly. It made me sad. I used to look a lot younger than my age. Turning 26 really isn't that big of a deal, I just don't want to look 26. I'll be glad for the age when you stop being so looks obsessed. I have a friend that thinks its funny to tell me that after the age of 25 women are old. I already feel old, yeesh. Maybe it's because 10 years ago I thought my future self would have been done with school with a successful job and married by this time. I am not close to achieving any of those. Yay me.
For my birthday I'm giving myself another 10 years to make those things happen. Happy early Birthday to me.
Another thing I realized last night. I have zero interest in being in a extremely crowded bar at 2 in the morning watching men trying to 'seal the deal' with their prospective victims. That Southern charm seems to be quite effective with a lot of women in downtown Nashville. At that point it's not people watching its me attempting to telepathically convince women to be less drunk and stop making out with that mistake in front of you and avoid the regret and random phone number saved in your phone as 'Br8ia)y.' Those are the kind of numbers that have an expiration date of last call at the bar you're at. Someone should make an app for that. Any number saved after 1 am with an incoherent name should just automatically be erased while you are sleeping to avoid the shame and embarrassment in the morning. I don't know how to develop software so if you steal that idea at least give me partial credit. Call it 'Regret Ninja' because it's silent and quick.
My week went about like this: school, internship, read, repeat.
I don't recall anything exciting or out of the ordinary throughout the week. I did have an easier time in my research class and got motivated to start some projects early. My sleep schedule has been drastically changed due to my internship and I am usually running on a solid 5 hours on a daily basis. Needless to say I made up for some of that loss of sleep over the weekend.
The weekend involved some mixed feelings. MSU beat U of M. That's always a cause for celebration. I made some extra money by way of babysitting. I had some interactions that were not ideal and I began to realize some things about some people that I've been disconnected with as of late.
I have a really hard time dealing with people that are judgmental but deny judging. Don't be passive aggressive. Don't tell me you're joking when you're not. That's all. People don't always enjoy when I'm honest with them but it's a lot less hurtful when I do it. I'm not saying I always do that. Sometimes you have to bite your tongue and play nice but not with someone you really respect.
Ok, so let's end this on a positive note....I have 6 weeks left of this semester and it feels so good. The break between semesters is a much anticipated hiatus from all things responsible and spending more time with the boy. I think that only cheers me up so for everyone else...
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