In the event that this semester of school is wrapping up I've thought a lot about education and the things that I've learned over the last four months. Not only have I learned some of the fundamentals of a master's level social worker I've also gained some knowledge that I didn't really intend to, but that's the best way, right?
Well for starters I have learned that even outside of high school, a large group of women spending a lot of time together in a strenuous program is a recipe for passive aggressive disaster. People talk about other people behind their backs, catty remarks are made and in the Southern way things are done, everyone is still all smiles. Now, I'm just as guilty as the next female for doing things like that because, let's be honest I'm judgmental. I try not to voice my opinions aloud when it comes to my peers at school but every so often I'd get roped in with the best of them. Typically it would be in regards to their diminished intellect or 'better than you' attitude (we have a group of 'Heathers') but I admit sometimes I'm an asshole. That being said, I kept my remarks mostly to myself and just did a lot of listening and sometimes defended those I felt needed it. I just try to keep in mind that some of them probably have some not so desirable opinions about me but I learned to keep my mouth closed.
I've also learned that people in the South in a classroom setting are some of the rudest fucking people I have ever witnessed. I find myself getting annoyed on a daily basis with student's constant chatter and whispering while the professor is talking or other people are presenting. I'm not quiet about that. Several times I have politely turned around and mentioned that I can't hear over their talking. Rude. So rude and I am not paying to listen to girls whispering about how they already know how their boyfriend is going to propose to them and when. No one gives a fuck and I plan to use my Masters to work not to add it on my resume for the 'stay at home mom' position. Shut it.
This semester I've learned the difference between a social worker and a psych major fast tracking it to become a therapist. Social work is about social justice, if you're not interested in using your clinical skills to better the lives of individuals that are struggling get out.
I'm going to change directions here because at this point I'm just getting sassy and annoyed.
I've learned what it feels like to break your ankle in two places and dislocate your foot. It's not comfortable nor ideal but it's definitely not the worst thing in the world that can happen to you. I still think crutches could be used as a form of torture if you needed to get creative with your methods. Think about it, no permanent marks or damage but they are frustrating to the point of tears for the first few days.
I've also learned a few things about myself this semester with regard to my personality and things that I do that annoy me. I need to work on keeping myself in check and valuing people for what they have to offer even if it they annoy the crap out of you. KEEP AN OPEN MIND! Noted.
And lastly, I've learned how very easy it is to keep a relationship going with someone who wants it to work as much as you do. I've learned this lesson with friends since I've lived away from them. It became evident to me again when I realized that I've made it through a semester and the relationship I am in has only gotten stronger. Maybe I'm a bit sentimental because I spent all weekend with the boy and he just makes me so friggin happy but it's true when I say if you want it to work and you both put the effort into it, it will work. And communicate. Holy geez text messages are not successful at portraying inflection, just keep that in mind (Shannon) before jumping to conclusions.
So, I'd say in four months I was pretty productive at gaining some knowledge and not just through book learnin'.
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