If you haven't already checked out the new Los Campesinos' album you probably should get right to that...after you read this of course, or skim for any ignominious or sordid details....which are few and far between.
Anyway, weekly wrap-up is a-go!
And I did what most people in the United States did this week which was bide my time at work and school(while being wholly unproductive)until I could get out of dodge to celebrate Thanksgiving. Any excuse for a 5 day weekend is fine by me be it colonization, Jesus' birthday or zombies, I don't care. I hitched a ride up to Louisville with some friends that were on their way to the mitten. My Pontiac is probably still thanking them for being able to avoid that drive for another weekend or so. Once in Louisville we did the normal Wednesday thing and went to the Wrench for moped night then went on to see the Muppet's at which point I was pretty damn tipsy from shots and a few bourbon and gingers. I don't think that affected my judgment of the movie and I enjoyed the hell out of it. Thanksgiving day resulted in heading to a friends to watch the Lions/Packers game and eat way more food than any human should. It was glorious except for that whole Lions losing part. J and I made sides to take to the gathering, both of which were delicious. Apparently I make a pretty mean brussels sprouts dish. We left late afternoon and friends came over for board games. Everyone was in a food coma.
I avoided the Black Friday madness for the most part by sleeping in extremely late and hanging til the boy had to work. After 5pm I ventured out to pick up some things for the house to make it a little more Christmas-y. I went to Target and decided to break down and get one of the motorized carts because there was no way for me to carry what I needed to buy. I have avoided it for about 5 weeks but decided to just suck it up and ride that little Amiga til the cows came home, or til I was done shopping. The store wasn't very busy but that didn't stop people from standing in the middle of aisles talking on their cell phone and ignoring my inability to get around them. Or looking at me with disdain. Or laughing because the cart beeps when it reverses. Ohh dear God please don't make me do that again. On top of that, from the sitting position I wasn't able to reach some of the things on the shelves so I had to awkwardly balance on my good foot and lean on the cart as I attempted to gather my things. I prefer the callouses on my palms from the crutches times a thousand compared to using that thing. I lack the self-confidence and 60+ years that require the usage of the Amiga. You win.
Saturday we drove over to Lexington so I could spend some time with my best friend. She was there visiting family and I was able to steal her away for a few hours to watch football and drink beer. It was exactly what I needed. I'm glad we were able to pull it off. Sometimes I think it's hard for people to understand why so much of my heart is in Michigan and why I try so hard to keep these friendships going. In the year that I have been in Nashville I haven't made the connections to people that I have in the past though I have met some amazing people and would love to continue to cultivate those friendships. I'm sure part of that is a lack of effort but it may also be that I just haven't met anyone quite like the people I love in Michigan. I'll try to remain open to any of it.
The rest of Saturday we had drinks and played nerdy games with folks and I fell asleep on the couch while J played Zelda at 3 a.m. He makes me laugh. Sunday we slept in then the boy made stir fry as I sat and watched cos I'm spoiled. He also had to fix the bottom of one of my crutches because I wore out the rubber stopper on the bottom. Woops. I'm constantly reminded through selfless acts of how lucky I am to have such a thoughtful, caring person in my life. Alas, I had to face reality once my friends got there to whisk me away back to Music City. And it rained and rained and rained and is probably still raining right now. I'll be glad when the sun decides to reappear and keep the floors dry and slip-free.
Ankle update: I'm too lazy to take off the boot and take a picture because there are a bazillion velcro straps but I will say that the swelling has been steadily decreasing aside from the swollen parts of my ankle that will likely remain for quite some time as my body accepts that the metal plate is there to stay. It only appears overly swollen if I've been on my feet too much but I feel that in my whole body. Ten more days til the doctor's appointment. Oh yes!
This week is the end of my semester officially and will include finishing up hours at my practicum and a take home exam. Hallelujah! Then just hanging around Nashville until after the surgeon tells me what's next. We shall see.
Have a fantastic week, I know I will.
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