Sunday, November 6, 2011

Orange rhyming dictionary

This week I've been awfully contemplative when it comes to my interactions with people. At my field placement I wondering if I sound like an asshole because more than once I have critiqued an assessment or documentation in regards to the agency that was written by one of my supervisors. Crap. How am I supposed to know? Interactions with my classmates are limited to discussions of how ready everyone else is to be done with this semester because everyone there appears to be pretty burned out. Interactions with my friends were scarce this week due to me trying to cram in a bunch of things I needed to get done before leaving town for the weekend. I've had several more interactions with strangers than I have ever wanted to because my crutches are cause for conversation even if I don't want to converse. When I'm asked what happened I get a lot of 'skateboarding? hmm' looks after they look me up and down and wonder what my chubby ass was doing on a skateboard. That's when I feel the need to explain that I've been doing it for years in order to sound less like a turd.  No matter how it's said I'm sure people have their judgments. 
To say that this week has been easier would be an understatement. I (FINALLY!) got that disgusting cast off on Wednesday to have it replaced with a walking boot. Oddly I still don’t get to walk like a normal person because my surgeon said that even though my ankle is healing fantastically the tendons and ligament need more time before I put weight on them. I did get to see xrays and I have a large metal plate, 7 pins and a massive screw in my ankle. So, I have at least five more weeks on my crutches BUT I get to take the boot off to shower and sleep which is SO much better than putting a bag on my foot and oddly dancing around the shower. I have to stand like a flamingo still but it’s worth it. I’m glad I have pretty stellar balance. The incision looks grotesque as well as the rest of my leg which is bruised and swollen still which is apparently normal. As soon as the cast came off I nearly vomited looking at the state of my leg, hairy, bruised and shedding 2 weeks’ worth of dead skin. Not a pretty sight, trust that. The stitches were removed and I was excited to get home and shower. Bending my ankle was so strange and foreign, I mean to the extent that my ankle could bend. I’ve gotten used to the crutches and I get around pretty well even though my wrists and palms get sore. I’m hoping the weeks go fast and I will be back to walking soonish. Just in time for break from school and travels and crappy weather oh and then physical therapy which is probably going to ruin my plans to crash with the bf during our break from school. Sweet.
This weekend just involved a lot of being a responsible student and studying with Jason. He’s really good at keeping me on track because he’s so motivated to study. Our downtime was involved being lazy and ordering pizza and him taking very good care of me. I’m a lucky girl.
I spent time and had a lengthy conversation with a friend on Friday night after getting into town. We’re new friends so we’re still getting to know each other. The conversation turned out a lot like most of the conversations I have with people, a lot of listening and then turning it into an accidental therapy session. This is a common happening when it comes to friends and I. Not only do I prefer it that way, I’m beginning to accept the fact that I have a natural proclivity to therapize (that’s not a word per se but it’s one that therapists use anyway). I’d rather not talk about me because most times I just come across as awkward and make noises in place of real words.
Anyway, a little less than 3 weeks until Thanksgiving and basically the end of my semester. That will then be followed by the longest sigh of relief that has ever escaped a human body.
Have a great week, I’m going to just try to survive my busy week ahead. 

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